Commercial and strategic advice for the energy sector

Buglass Energy Advisory

Trusted advice


Commercial and strategic advice.

Engaging investment conversations.

Buglass Energy Advisory supports energy sector investors, government bodies and other consultancies with strategic, commercial and financing advice. We gained our financing experience by delivering over £11 billion in investment across 30 countries, and leverage this expertise to serve our clients.

Corporates retain us to advise on growth plans, new business models or bringing innovative technologies or services to market. BEA acts as a sounding board and helps businesses develop a compelling case to investors - delivering effective investment conversations.

Government entities seek our specialised advice to understand the investor perspective, supporting development and implementation of more effective policies.

Energy consultancy firms value how our detailed financing and investment knowledge complement their in house skills.

Our commercial and finance expertise is augmented by detailed policy and regulatory knowledge. Buglass Energy Advisory supports clients through the commercial and investment complexities of the low carbon transition.


Contact US

Postal address

BM 8256 London WC1N 3XX


Our clients


Corporates - asset owners and project developers:

  • renewables - onshore & offshore wind, solar;

  • new tech - storage, hydrogen, wave & tidal;

  • legacy tech - gas generation & CCS

Investment funds.

Government institutions.

Electricity sector consultancies.


We set out to secure our project on Capacity Market income and from merchant generating income: the former was a new process and the latter unusual for bank debt.
Buglass Energy Advisory led us (and to a certain extent our bank) through the fundraising with fine attention to strategy, to detail and, perhaps most importantly, to the human elements of the process.
As such Buglass Energy Advisory was essential to the project.
— Jeremy Taylor - Founder, Green Frog Power
We have worked with Andrew over a number of years and have welcomed his input and advice in providing input to find the optimum financial structure for specific projects through to guiding the regulatory framework of the industry to ensure financeable frameworks. Andrew’s energy industry knowledge and his experience as an investor and a lender provides him with an unparalleled foundation on which to provide advice and support.
— George Grant
 CEO, Watt Power / Stag Energy
Andrew has a deep knowledge of financing the energy sector, and he is generous enough to share his insights with my Oxford MBA students each year. He has a strong network and is always a pleasure to deal with.
— Prof. Cameron Hepburn Oxford Smith School & Fellow of New College, Oxford
We are grateful for the assistance we received for our inquiry from our specialist advisers: Andrew Buglass and Kirsty Hamilton.
— Energy & Climate Change Committee Third Report of Session 2016
Buglass Energy Advisory ran a process to find project investors in support of our bid into National Grid’s Enhanced Frequency Response auction. Their expert advice and strong investor contacts ensured that the process ran smoothly and culminated in a successful outcome.
— Nick Heyward, Head of Energy Storage, Origami Energy
Andrew provided great regulatory due diligence work
— Client’s head of portfolio management
Andrew’s deep knowledge and insight around financial challenges meant that his input was very valuable in helping frame the commercial aspects of the project.
— George Day Head of Economic Strategy, ETI


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